St Paul's Episcopal Church

Explore the questions you’re asking. 
Find the love you’re seeking.

Welcome to St Paul's Episcopal Church
in Greensboro, Alabama.

At St Paul’s, we believe that when Jesus said God loves the whole world – every race, every group, every heart – he meant it. We invite you into a living faith tradition rooted in God’s unconditional love.

Worship with us at 905 Church Street. Greensboro, AL 36744-0539

Worship With Us

We are a warm and welcoming church and we love to extend our hospitality. If you’re in town, please come worship with us as we celebrate the wonderful gift of grace and love that Jesus Christ has given us. If you have questions, reach out.

Sunday Worship

  • 10:30 AM – Holy Eucharist


Weekday Worship

  • 5:30 PM – Evening Prayer and Holy Eucharist
Our Rector

The Rev. Jane Major

Community Events

Learn what’s going on around St Paul’s Episcopal Church

Third Sunday Luncheon

Our Third Sunday Luncheon is one of our most treasured traditions! Join us every third Sunday of the month for worship followed by a covered luncheon in our Parish Hall. You’ll make great friends, and you certainly won’t go hungry!

Blessing of the Animals service

In October, to celebrate St. Francis of Assisi, St. Paul’s partners with the Friends of Hale County Animals to put on a Blessing of the Animals service. Come bring your pets to be blessed, and enjoy the singing of hymns, often with a fellow or two from Project Horseshoe Farm.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner

To make ready for the start of Lent, St. Paul’s hosts a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner to which the whole community is invited. 

Community Easter Egg Hunt

For over 100 years, St. Paul’s has put on a community Easter Egg Hunt as we prepare to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord. It is a chance for the whole community of Greensboro to gather and celebrate together!

Contact Us

Mailing Address

905 Church Street Greensboro, AL 36744-0539

Contact Info
